Mystic Cats: Magic Solitaire

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Welcome to Mystic Cats: Magic Solitaire, the ultimate solitaire card game!

If you love to play and win a game of Klondike, Freecell, Spider or Pyramid, Mystic Cats: Magic Solitaire is the perfect card game for you! Play and become a solitaire master while relaxing and improving your focus.

With Mystic Cats: Magic Solitaire, you can enjoy stunning graphics, soothing sounds, and hours of fun gameplay. Trigger power-ups like Additional Slot and Undo to aide your strategy and enjoy endless FREE play!

The game is both easy to play and at the same time challenging. You might ask “How is that so?” Play the game now and see for yourself! Mystic Cats: Magic Solitaire is inspired by solitaire genres such as Spiderette Solitaire, FreeCell Solitaire, Tri-peaks Solitaire, Clock Solitaire, and more, to create a fun and easy to play puzzle game. You’ll train your brain without even realizing it.

Take a break from your busy day and immerse yourself in the world of Mystic Cats: Magic Solitaire. Join the millions of players who have already discovered this addictive game and become a part of our community today.


- A new kind of solitaire genre
- Magic and modern card designs
- Simple and intuitive gameplay
- Play offline, anytime and anywhere

Download Mystic Cats: Magic Solitaire today and enjoy endless hours of free solitaire gameplay.
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-may, 2023

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Mystic Cats is here

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Tapteek LLC
4604 49th St N Ste 1539 Saint Petersburg, FL 33709 United States
+1 727-304-1020

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