Technogym Equipment Setup

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48 ta sharh
10 ming+
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The Equipment app is the ultimate configuration companion for your Technogym equipment. It will help the user to simplify the configuration of their equipment process in just a few steps whenever and wherever they want to. With the Equipment app our users will be able to scan the production code of each equipment and link it to their network.

The configuration process has been customised in order to meet every and each specific network type the customers might have in order to ensure a flawless customer experience and delight each user.

By configuring the equipment by linking it to the network, the user will be able to stay connected with Technogym's cloud. Therefore interact constantly with our services, consult his fitness program, check and save his workouts and much more!

Stay connected, stay fit, be wellness!
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-sen, 2024

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