The Fitness Chef App

Ilova ichida xaridlar
10 ming+
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The Fitness Chef App is a health & fitness app that helps you reach your fat loss and muscle gain goals. This app provides a simple, flexible, effective way to track, sustain and enjoy your fitness journey. It will help you focus on the important things while eating what you love and getting lasting results.

The app is designed for all people and all health & fitness goals. You will receive personalised nutrition targets and can customise these targets at any time, or switch between daily or weekly tracking to allow more flexibility in your social life.

The app has over 700 delicious calorie/macro counted recipes and many filters making it easy to find recipes you love that fit your goals. Whether you are vegetarian, pescatarian, vegan or eat everything, there are plenty of balanced, filling recipes for everyone. There is also a shopping list for your convenience.

Included is a verified food database with over 1 million items which allows you to create and save your own meals and quickly add branded foods via the barcode scanner.

You can sync the app to your favourite health app or wearable device to automatically track activity in real time. Logging exercise, including gym workouts is easy and gives you a historical timeline of your new PBs!

Progress charts for nutrition, body and activity are relaxed, but focused on the important stuff. They enable you to see progress over time, allowing you to make adjustments to stay on track.

Mental health and your relationship with food is important which is why we have a feature that allows you to record how you're feeling and how much you're enjoying what you eat.
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-noy, 2024

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