Tradfri Lux - for IKEA TRÅDFRI

10 ming+
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Smart lights weren't as easy to control as regular lights till now!

With TRADFRI LUX you can change the state, the brightness and the colour of your IKEA® Trådfri lights with one touch in a compact tile.

This app lets you change the atmosphere quicker than any other control app around, all with the touch of a button, without compromising on screen space! Most users will be able to see 6 to 8 rooms or lights at once.

- Press the inner circle to turn your room/light on or off
- Slide or touch in the brightness area to modify the brightness
- Use the colour joystick to adjust the color
- Use icons to quickly recognize groups and lights.
- Watch the battery levels of all your remotes and blinds (and see the evolution over time!)
- improved timer support (BETA): rise and shine time is configurable (not fixed to 30')
- supports triggering scenes (editing/creating scenes is not yet supported)
- supports sorting rooms, lights and scenes

Works with the lights, the outlets and the blinds. This app only works with the IKEA Trådfri gateway, not yet with the newer Dirigera gateway

Download this app to make your smart home even smarter.

NOTE: We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with IKEA®.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-fev, 2023

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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot ulashilishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
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