TVU Anywhere Lite

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TVU Anywhere Lite is a simplified version of TVU Anywhere, which turns your Phone into a powerful live video transmitter capable of delivering a broadcast quality video picture from any location. Field reporters, remote news anchors, citizen journalists and streamers can go live to their audience with the press of a button and cover news, events, interviews and human interest stories. TVU Anywhere Lite uses all available cellular and WiFi connections together with TVU’s patented IS+ technology for a reliable picture no matter the transmission environment and utilizes HEVC/H.265 encoding for efficient data usage.

TVU Anywhere Lite has a user friendly interface and packs features and capabilities generally seen in more expensive devices including all of the following;

TVU’s Token system allows any remote interview subject to go live on their mobile phone instantly by simply scanning a QR code.

TVU Anywhere Lite fully integrates with the TVU Networks cloud and IP ecosystem for media acquisition, production, distribution and management.
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-noy, 2024

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