AR Mini Games

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Dive into the world of augmented reality with “AR Mini Games,” a unique collection of 10 thrilling AR game demos. This app provides endless entertainment as you engage with games that place AR content directly into your real-world environment. Easily position AR elements on suitable surfaces while viewing their structures in X-Ray mode. The game pack includes 10 diverse AR games: Angry Bird AR Game, AR Space Shooter, AR Cricket, AR Football, AR Rugby, AR Bowling, AR Basketball, AR Mini Golf, AR Archery, and AR Fruit Ninja.

Features of Easy AR Mini Game Pack

• 10 Different AR Gaming Experiences: Enjoy a variety of mini-games, each offering a unique augmented reality experience.
• Easy to Place Structure using X-Ray View: Easily place AR content on trackable planes with the help of an intuitive X-Ray view.
• 100% Static Positions after Placing AR Content: Once placed, AR elements remain static for a consistent gaming experience.
• Configurable Gesture Controls: Customize gesture controls for a personalized gameplay experience.
• No Coding Skills Needed: Enjoy creating and playing games without any coding knowledge.
• Compatible with iOS and Android: Play seamlessly on both iOS and Android devices.

Game List:

1. Angry Bird AR Game: Launch birds to topple structures in an AR setting.
2. AR Space Shooter: Engage in space battles with immersive AR effects.
3. AR Cricket: Experience cricket with realistic AR gameplay.
4. AR Football: Play football matches with AR-enhanced visuals.
5. AR Rugby: Enjoy rugby with augmented reality elements.
6. AR Bowling: Bowl strikes and spares in a lifelike AR bowling alley.
7. AR Basketball: Shoot hoops in an interactive AR environment.
8. AR Mini Golf: Putt your way through challenging AR mini-golf courses.
9. AR Archery: Test your archery skills with AR targets.
10. AR Fruit Ninja: Slice fruits in mid-air with dynamic AR gameplay.

Experience the thrill of augmented reality with “AR Mini Games” and turn your surroundings into a playground of endless fun. Download now and start your AR adventure today
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-avg, 2024

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Bug fixes and performance improvements