Vimar VIEW Pro

10 ming+
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The VIEW Pro App allows the professional electrical installer to configure the VIEW IoT smart systems integrated system via tablet and to programme the entire By-me Plus subsystem, both locally and remotely, in a series of simple steps guided by an extremely user-friendly interface. Once installed on the smartphone the APP allows you to view the systems and to perform certain basic operations on the gateways (scanning, enrolment, firmware updating and backup).

The VIEW IoT Smart Systems platform offers the best possible security, energy efficiency, comfort and control, natively integrating all Vimar professional wired systems into a single smart architecture based on Cloud and EDGE computing. Finally, the app makes use of IP technology and the Cloud to guarantee interoperability and compatibility with professional systems and third-party smart products, including Philips Hue light bulbs, LED strips and smart speakers for voice control.

By-me Plus is the connected home automation system based on twisted pair cabling and distributed logic, dedicated to providing full control over lighting, temperature, sound systems, curtain and roller shutter automation, watering systems, energy management and multi-zone temperature control; for maximum comfort and energy efficiency of buildings.

The "video door entry system" and "burglar alarm" components are instead imported by the VIEW Pro app from systems already configured using the specific programming tools.

Thanks to the Vimar cloud, the VIEW Pro app also allows users to:
• carry out remote system maintenance for the purpose of diagnostics, reprogramming or firmware updates
• create logic programs that can work locally, both on By-me Plus and on the entire VIEW IoT Smart Systems integrated platform
• manage the installed systems via a dashboard that uses the cloud for backing up system schedules and for notifications of available updates
• integrate third-party devices (e.g. KNX) into the system, making them available as resources that can be controlled from the user interfaces

The app can only be accessed by entering installer credentials, which are generated on the MyVIMAR portal.
The app works only with home automation/video door entry/burglar alarm gateways present in the system.
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-noy, 2024

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• Functional enhancements implemented.

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+39 0424 488600

Vimar S.p.A. – boshqa ilovalar