Vkids IQ - Spanish For Kids

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Vkids IQ Español is an early educational program for children aged 2-7 in Spanish and English. It encompasses 8 skill domains: English, Spanish, Math, Logical thinking, Observation, Memory, Creativity (music & art), Nature & Science.
Vkids IQ lessons are designed as intellectual games, videos, and vivid illustrations, providing a sensory learning experience that enhances rapid and effective knowledge retention.
With 1000 lessons and over 200 diverse educational games, Vkids IQ is personalized based on a child's age, capabilities, and interests. Children learn under the guidance of teachers, enhancing interactive and concentration abilities:
- Discovery (2-3 years): Master 1000 Spanish vocabulary words, familiarize with 200 English vocabulary words, color, learn shapes and colors, count within 10, develop basic observation, logic, memory, and creativity.
- Understanding (4-5 years): Practice writing & learn Spanish alphabet letters, master 500 Spanish vocabulary words and 27 English alphabet letters, proficiently perform addition and subtraction within 10, develop intermediate-level observation, logic, memory, and creativity.
- Mastery (6-7 years): Spell and read fluent Spanish words & sentences, master and pronounce 1000 English vocabulary words, perform quick arithmetic and master addition and subtraction within 100, develop advanced observation, logic, memory, and creativity.
- Other notable features:
+ Sticker reward feature for additional encouragement and inspiration.
+ Weekly test assignments and progress reports sent to parents by the administration.
+ Accessible on smartphones, tablets, computers, or laptops.
+ Synchronized learning profiles across different devices.
+ Multiple learning accounts on each device.
+ English-Spanish bilingual support.
+ Ad-free to maintain focus during learning.
+ No internet connection needed after downloading lessons.
+ Each account supports usage on 2 devices simultaneously.
- Terms of use: https://vkidsapp.com/terms
- Privacy Policy: https://vkidsapp.com/privacy
- Introduction:
Vkids was established in 2016 with the goal of collaboratively building high-quality educational apps for children, supporting parents in nurturing their kids in the digital age.
Oxirgi yangilanish
9-sen, 2024

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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot ulashilishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
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Google Play “Butun oila uchun” dasturi qoidalariga amal qiladi

Nima yangiliklar

- Fix the bug notifying "No internet connection"
- Add new games: Coloring and Playing the piano.
- Optimize user experience
Thank you parents for installing Vkids IQ app. If you have any feedbacks, please contact us at [email protected].