Magnetic for Wear OS

Yoshga oid cheklov
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Magnetic is a watch face for Wear OS with six different gradient themes, so you can match it with your style. The dial has three complications: steps, heart rate, and date info. The bar on the left shows the battery level. The digital time is in the upper part of the watch face and with a tap it will open the alarm. A custom shortcut can be activated by tapping the steps and the same action on the date will open the calendar. The Always On Display mode shows all the info except for the analog time.

Notes about Heart Rate detection.

The heart rate measurement is independent of the Wear OS Heart Rate application.
The value displayed on the dial updates itself every ten minutes and does not also update the Wear OS application.
During the measurement (which can also be triggered manually by pressing the HR value) the heart icon blink until the reading is completed.
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-sen, 2024

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