WiFi net signal strength meter

1,24 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
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Is the internet speed on your phone slow? and you want to know?
Want to know your wifi net signal strength?
Do you want to know the 5G, 4G LTE, 3G mobile signal connection speed being used on your phone?

Please install and using the application "WiFi net signal strength meter" to discover the internet speed and monitor signal strength for 5G, 4G LTE, 3G signal on your Android phone:
Core feature:
- Network speed meter +: One tap to measure network speed on your phone (WiFi, GPRS: 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, 5G signal)
- WiFi net signal strength meter: measure signal strength for WiFi connection when your phone connected and display it in a chart in dBm units.
- Cellular signal strength meter: measure signal strength for 5G, 4G LTE, 3G when your phone is connected to cellular signal and display it in a chart in dBm units.
- Internet speed: Just one touch to measure Ping latency to domains, Internet speed, and download and upload speeds for the current network connection on your phone. Results will return within 15-20 seconds, relatively fast and accurate.
- Find nearby wifi signals, read and display wifi information, whether the current wifi speed is fast or slow for users to know.
- Portable wifi hotspot when your phone is connected to the internet via 3G, 4G, 5G signal.
- Check the current network connection status to see if your data is ready on your phone so you can access the internet.
- WiFi connection manager: scan all connections to your wifi to detect "Who is connecting to your wifi"? Helps users detect who is illegally connecting to your wifi signal, so you can block stolen connections.

Try using "WiFi Network Signal Strength Meter" to monitor internet speed and mobile signal strength on mobile Android devices. This is a free application, loads quickly because of its small size, measures speed and signal quickly and accurately.
Thanks you.
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-iyl, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

1,16 ming ta sharh
Nodirbek Fulatov
17-noyabr, 2021
Zor ekan👍👍
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Nima yangiliklar

- WiFi Net signal strength meter
- Fixes bugs
- Fixes Ads
- Network signal strength meter
- Remove somes function
- Signal strength meter live for WiFi, cellular
- Show chart signal strength on nreal time
- Check internet status and display data ready.
- Who is connected to your wifi?
- Internet speed meter, download speed and upload speed meter
- WiFi hotspot
- WiFi detector and WiFi analyzer
- Fast speed test for WiFi, 5G, 4G, LTE, 3G, HSPA+