Universe Star Finder 3D

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Universe Star Finder 3D: Explore the universe with AR and 3D simulation

Welcome to Universe Star Finder 3D, the official app of the International Space Registry. This planetarium app offers an impressive and realistic 3D representation of the starry sky, suitable for both beginners and experienced astronomy enthusiasts. Thanks to our latest updates, you can now experience the universe in even more detail and interactivity.

Explore the night sky like never before

Star Finder lets you see the sky as you would with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. Adjust your viewing angle and find stars, constellations, planets, comets or even your own star that you have named with one of our exclusive partners. And all in real time!

User-friendly and clear interface

The Star Finder app features an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it easy for you to explore the universe. Whether you are an experienced astronomer or a curious novice, our app provides you with everything you need to discover the secrets of the night sky.

Key features of Universe Star Finder 3D:

★ Accurate 3D simulation: view an accurate 3D representation of the night sky with stars and planets for any desired date, time and location.

★ Discover constellations: Learn about the different constellations and where to find them in the sky.

★ Global sky: Explore what the night sky looks like in different places around the world.

★ Realistic environments: Simulate landscapes and the atmosphere with realistic sunrises and sunsets.

★ Unique night mode: Observe the sky in our special night mode for optimal viewing.

★ Own star: Use your registration number to see the location of your named star at a specific time and place.

★ Augmented Reality (AR): Experience the night sky in real time by moving your phone thanks to our new AR function.

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of astronomy and discover the wonders of the universe with Universe Star Finder 3D. Download now and experience the sky in a new way!
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-iyn, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

507 ta sharh
Asliddin Nurxonov
5-avgust, 2023
Very nice programme 💯
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* UI Improvements
* Bug Fixes
* Multi Language Support