Zeopoxa Squats

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283 ta sharh
10 ming+
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Train your body and build up to completing 200 squats, using a proven program. Zeopoxa Squats builds and strengthens your legs, having you perform workout session with a period of rest in between. Squats are key for a strong, toned legs and thighs and a firm butt, this app will take you there. Simple to use: audio coach tells you when to start & when to rest.

Whatever your goal, be it to lose weight, shape and tone, build strength or improve endurance or just strong and toned legs and a firm butt, this fitness app will help you achieve your goals faster.

On top of being a legs workout tracker and fitness tracker, this app provides you with many more features to improve your fitness and ensure you’re enjoying your workout.

Take your first step today, download the free Zeopoxa Squats app for men and for women on your phone and push yourself to a fitter and healthier lifestyle.


* Training mode
* Practice Mode
* Counts squats repetitions using accelerometer
* Automatic countdown timer for your rest between exercise sets
* Enter workout manually
* Graphs and Statistics
* Voice Coach for constant feedback
* Beat your best and set personal records
* Advanced graphs for squats, time and calories burned, in 4 different intervals (week, month, year and all)
* Complete challenges that app provide and stay motivated to do legs workout.
* Calculate your BMI with built in BMI Calculator
* Overview of all Squats already completed

How to use: Hold your phone with both hands in landscape mode in front of your chest.
Oxirgi yangilanish
28-noy, 2024

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280 ta sharh

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Version 1.3.22

- Minor changes