Know-it-all - A Guessing Game

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125 ta sharh
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Know-it-all - The Multiplayer Guessing Game
Know-it-all is the guessing game for your game night. Estimate facts about a wide range of themes like world records, history, curiosities, 2000s or medicine and show your friends who knows it all!
In this funny and varied guessing game you have to estimate different aspects and hopefully for you, a bit better than your opponents ;)

- How to connect?

At the beginning one of you creates a game. Choose as many sets as you like and decide how many rounds your game should go.

To play the paid card sets, only one of you has to buy the set. When this person creates the game, everyone - even the players who didn't buy the set - can join the round!

The other players join the game by searching for the given game code.

- The Game Principle

All players see the same question. Think carefully and enter your estimate in the provided space.

Once all players have entered their guess, you will see the result of the round: The better your guess is compared to your fellow players, the more points you will receive.

The number of points awarded is always equal to the number of players in the game.

(For example: 4 players take part in the game: the best guess gets 4 points, the second best 3 points, the third best 2 points and the last one only 1 point)

- The Fun mode

Activating fun mode gives you two additional opportunities to make a few bonus points in each round:

1) Decide which of your fellow players will give the worst and who will give the best tip in each round. Of course you make this decision after you have seen the question. For each correct tip you get one bonus point

2) After all estimates have been given, you will see an overview with all estimations AND the correct result. Now decide which of the shown values is the correct result of the question. If you bet correctly, you will receive another bonus point.

- End of game

The game ends when you reach the number of rounds you set before.

The player with the most points wins the game. The losers may only address him as "Master" or "Highness" until the end of the day (or the next round).

Know-it-all - The Multiplayer Guessing Game
Know-it-all is a fun guessing game for you and your friends. Guess facts about interesting topics like for an example sports, curiosities, history, 2000s or medicine and show your incredible knowledge.
Estimate the different aspects and enjoy playing with your friends.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-sen, 2024

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