SoulCraft 2 - Action RPG

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104 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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SoulCraft 2 - League of Angels
Choose one of seven Angels and defend earth from the iron legions and knights of hell! Compete multiplayer against other players in the social league, form guilds and become the best SoulCraft player in the world.

If you have been a range hunter or melee demon in enough dungeon crawlers and hack and slash slayers, seen all the loot, summoners, blood & glory and wraith, cleared the crime city, feel like you have been a warrior for all eternity already fighting dragons, answer the call, fight for the torchlight of hope, do your duty and choose to be a legendary hero (or heroes of destiny if you will) in the action role playing game SoulCraft. Pick your ninja gun bros (or sister), put the order back into the world of chaos and defeat the wars of the gods in the shadowlands. Put the game in your pockets and you will always have arcane legends with you. Be the star in the dark, be brave at the frontier, unleash your wild blood and fulfill your final fantasy ;)

- New Multiplayer League: Challenge other players in asynchronous multiplayer matches and customize your defenses. Win your daily leagues to become the best SoulCraft Player in the world
- 7 different heroes: Choose your play style from melee warriors to range mages
- Epic singleplayer campaign: continue your quest to save the world from the demons of the apocalypse
- Full controller support (incl. MOGA) - play it on your big TV screen
- Offline Support: You can play the singleplayer modes offline as well (this is not a typical fanstasy MMORPG requiring permanent internet connection)

Setting of Action RPG game:
With humans on the brink to discover the secret of eternal life, angels and evil demons make a pact to proclaim the apocalypse to be able to materialize into the real world, fight the humans for victory and keep the circle of life intact. SoulCraft lets you play as an angel (with humans and demons coming soon) – it is up to you who will win this fight. May it be diablo in hell, god in heaven or the human race in this war of heroes directly on earth.

SoulCraft was developed by the small indie game studio MobileBits. Download SoulCraft right now for free and tell us what you think on our feedback page at - and please like us on
Thank you :)
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-fev, 2022

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Google foydalanuvchisi
17-dekabr, 2018
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Nima yangiliklar

Fixed lots of issues. Auto close loading scene, new icon, updated libraries to the latest version: Google Sign In works again, In App Purchases -> new Billing Library v4 and many crashes don't happen anymore. Any device below Android 7 (Nougat) or intel x86 (old Android TVs) isn't supported anymore as those new libraries don't go back that far. Stay on an older version if you still have a device this old (6+ years ago).

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Delta Engine GmbH
Buchholzer Str. 24 e 30629 Hannover Germany
+49 163 6831231

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