s.mart Arpeggio Gitarre,Bass,…

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s.mart Arpeggio is a reference and a learning tool for all types of fretted instruments not just Guitar. It shows how the notes of a chord are spread on the fretboard. You can explore the fretboard up to the last fret. The arpeggio pattern mode shows you how and where an arpeggio is best to play.

⭐ About 40 supported instruments (e.g. Guitar, Bass, Ukulele, Banjo or Mandolin)
⭐ More than 1000 types of chords
⭐ More than 500 predefined tunings and any custom tuning
⭐ 30 different color schemes help you to distinguish the different notes or intervals
⭐ The notes of the chord can be played with a simple fingertip
⭐ Four different arpeggio pattern modes:
▫ Optimized pattern
▫ 2 notes per string pattern
▫ 3 notes per string pattern
▫ 4 notes per string pattern
⭐ Fingerings for each pattern
⭐ Create exercises and play and practice arpeggio patterns
⭐ Tempo control and speed trainer
⭐ Fretboard and tabulator view to visualize the arpeggio pattern
⭐ Overview screen with all arpeggio patterns
⭐ Print arpeggio patterns
⭐ Capo support

======== PLEASE NOTE ========
This s.mart app is a plugin for the app 'smartChord: 40 Guitar Tools' (V8.15 or later). It can't run alone! You need to install smartChord from the Google Play store:

It provides a lot of other useful tools for musicians like the ultimate reference for chords and scales. Furthermore, there is a fantastic songbook, a precise chromatic tuner, a metronome, an ear training quiz, and a lot of other cool stuff. smartChords supports about 40 instruments like Guitar, Ukulele, Mandolin or the Bass and every possible tuning.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-iyl, 2024

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