Wakelock Revamp - PowerManager

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Wake Lock gives you access to Android's Power- and WifiManager.
You can use it on any Android phone or tablet.

Examples of what it can do for you:
• Force the PowerManager to keep the screen on
• Have the CPU still running in standby mode
• Ensure the Wifi connection keeps running at full performance
• Keep the screen on in full brightness or dimmed mode during movies
• Override power saving measures if they are causing issues

This is the modernized version of my app "WakeLock - PowerManager".

What the permissions are used for:
• WAKE_LOCK, to obviously be allowed to acquire wakelocks.
• RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED, to start the app after device reboots.
• READ_PHONE_STATE, to act on start/ending calls, allowing the app to acquire a lock just for the duration of the call.
• INTERNET, for automatic crash tracking. There is an option to disable this, but why would you 🙁?
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-okt, 2021

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