Slumber: Fall Asleep, Insomnia

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What is Slumber?
Slumber is the best sleeping app for relaxation and beating insomnia. Improve your sleep habits with a handcrafted collection of 800+ sleep-inducing stories, guided sleep meditations & soothing night sounds.

Fall Asleep in 5 minutes with:

☾ Sleep Sounds
☾ Sleep Meditations
☾ Bedtime Stories
☾ Relaxing music
☾ Soundscapes
☾ White noise, Green noise & more
☾ New sounds & stories for sleep are added weekly

Improve your sleep with Slumber

😴Feeling lethargic and fatigued?
Our sleep app featuring calming sleep music, guided meditations, and sleeping stories to aid in sleep and improve overall sleep quality with bedtime stories.

😴Can't sleep?
Our sleeping app has over 800+ sleep stories & sounds for everyone that will help you to sleep well throughout the night.

How does Slumber help you with falling asleep?
Listening to a sleep story or a soothing sound allows you to focus your mind on the story’s narrative. More restful sleep helps the body better regulate everything from digestion to cognitive performance, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Our users reported having a better mood and lower stress levels that allowed them to sleep better throughout the night.

The popular sleep app on iOS is now available on Android!

“...sleep-inducing music, meditations, breathing exercises and stories deploying soothing soundscapes…” - The Washington Post

😴Sleep App Features:

★ Large library of sleep meditations, sleep inducing stories, bedtime stories for adults and kids
★ Guided Sleep meditations and sleep sounds utilize mindfulness, gratitude, and suggestive hypnosis to help you relax and fall asleep
★ Mix feature - customizable background music and sleep sounds allow you to create the perfect sleep environment for anxiety relief
★ Handpicked collections of sleep stories and sounds by topic (like Sleep sounds for babies, Sleep affirmations or classic fairy tales)
★ Original bedtime stories crafted by Slumber Studios team

Check out what our users have to say:
★★★★★ Slumber is Better for sleep than the Calm app
I bought Slumber & Calm at the same time. When I want help sleeping, I find myself turning to Slumber only. Their narrators are more skilled in the hypnotic, soothing style of speaking. You don't need celebrities; you need people with wonderful voices who know how to read in a hypnotherapy-style cadence. And Slumber has better sleep sound options, and you have more control over those options. I also like that you can choose to keep playing the background music, and perhaps a sound like rain, for a set amount of time after the narration ends. Also— better calm stories designed for relaxing, comforting sleep too! Plus, the price is better.

-- Cafegirl2009, App Store Review

Curing insomnia is not only about sounds to help you sleep. Sleeping meditation, bedtime stories, stories for sleep & doctor-prescribed sleep aids can also help. Our goal is to help you through the journey of getting a good night's sleep. Our bedtime app does not provide sleep games that make you sleepy.

Have ideas on how we can improve Slumber? We'd love to hear from you!
Oxirgi yangilanish
16-okt, 2024

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