Super auto cats

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Welcome to the world of Super Auto Cats, a fun and exciting free-to-play auto battler that lets you build a powerful team of adorable cats (and other pets) with unique abilities. Engage in thrilling battles against other players and enjoy the game at your own pace with a choice of multiple game modes.

Game Features:

Arena Mode:
Experience a relaxed and asynchronous multiplayer mode without any timers. Can you achieve 10 victories before losing all your hearts?

Versus Mode:
Dive into an intense, synchronous game with 8 players, where quick decision making is crucial. Can you be the last team standing before the other teams knock you out?

Standard Packs:
Ideal for players who want to jump into the action quickly. Packs contain the pets that are available during gameplay. Standard packs are pre-built for everyone, ensuring a balanced and fair competition.

Custom Packs:
Perfect for enthusiasts of deck building. Combine all cats to create powerful and satisfying combos. Expansions provide even more possibilities for building the ultimate team.

Weekly Packs:
Great for players who love variety. Weekly packs are generated every Monday, offering a completely random set of cats for everyone to enjoy.

Choose your path in Super Auto Cats, where you'll assemble a team of charming feline companions, each possessing unique abilities. Strategize and select your team wisely to ensure victory!

Game Modes:

Arena Mode: Asynchronous match-ups without a turn timer. Can you achieve 10 wins?
Versus Mode: Compete against 7 other pets in real-time. Will you emerge as the champion?
Embark on a thrilling adventure in Super Auto Cats, a free-to-play chill auto battler that offers hours of entertainment for players of all skill levels.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-apr, 2023

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