Drink Water Reminder

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27,9 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
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Water Drink Reminder reminds you to drink enough water. Proper hydration keeps your skin healthy and helps you lose weight.

Do you drink enough water?
Do you always forget to drink water regularly?
Are you in good shape?
You need Water Drink Reminder - a water tracker app to help you develop good habits of water drinking!

This water tracker app reminds you to drink water every day to keep you hydrated.

Just enter your current weight, and Water Drink Reminder will help you determine how much water your body needs every day. Remember to update the app each time you drink a cup of water. Then the app will remind you when it's time for another drink. Hydration helper not only tracks what you drink, but also reminds you when it's time for another drink.

The benefits of drinking water:
* Stay in shape and keep fit; water is calorie free
* Clears up your skin
* Keeps your skin and nails healthy
* Helps prevent kidney stones
* Keeps you hydrated

Key Features include:
* Water tracker that will remind you when and how much water to drink throughout the day
* Customized cup and standard (oz) or metric (ml) units
* You can set your start and end time to drink water for each day
* Graph and logs of your schedule
* Syncs weight data with Google Fit.
* Syncs weight and drink water data with S Health.
* You can login through your Google account.
* You can backup and restore your drinking data through the water tracker.

In our day-to day life, drinking water regularly can be challenging, despite its numerous health benefits. This water tracker app makes it easier to stay hydrated. It may even help you lose weight and prevent certain illnesses.

Water Drink Reminder is a secure app. Please contact us if you have any security questions.
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-iyn, 2024

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Bug fixes and other improvements