Discrete Mathematics

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35 ta sharh
10 ming+
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✴ Discrete mathematics is the branch of mathematics dealing with objects that can assume only distinct, separated values. The term "discrete mathematics" is therefore used in contrast with "continuous mathematics," which is the branch of mathematics dealing with objects that can vary smoothly (and which includes, for example, calculus). Whereas discrete objects can often be characterized by integers, continuous objects require real numbers.✴

► The study of how discrete objects combine with one another and the probabilities of various outcomes is known as combinatorics. Other fields of mathematics that are considered to be part of discrete mathematics include graph theory and the theory of computation. Topics in number theory such as congruences and recurrence relations are also considered part of discrete mathematics.✦

► The study of topics in discrete mathematics usually includes the study of algorithms, their implementations, and efficiencies. Discrete mathematics is the mathematical language of computer science, and as such, its importance has increased dramatically in recent decades.✦

❰❰ This tutorial has been prepared for students pursuing a degree in any field of computer science and mathematics. It endeavors to help students grasp the essential concepts of discrete mathematics. ❱❱

【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】

⇢ Introduction

⇢ Sets

⇢ Relations

⇢ Functions

⇢ Propositional Logic

⇢ Predicate Logic

⇢ Rules of Inference

⇢ Operators & Postulates

⇢ Group Theory

⇢ Counting Theory

⇢ Probability

⇢ Mathematical Induction

⇢ Recurrence Relation

⇢ Graph & Graph Models

⇢ More On Graphs

⇢ Introduction to Trees

⇢ Spanning Trees

⇢ Boolean Expressions & Functions

⇢ Simplification Of Boolean Functions
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-sen, 2022

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