Fruits and Vegetables for Kids

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25,5 ming ta sharh
5 mln+
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Hamma uchun

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“Fruits and Vegetables for Kids” is a free educational game for children between 1 and 4 years of age. This is a shortened version of the “Nature for Tots” app.

Together with your child, you can watch wonderful images of fruits and vegetables, all while learning their names!

After the child has looked through all the flashcards, he or she can take a fun quiz to see how many of the words he or she knows. Regardless of the number of correct answers given, and of stars earned, the child's developing skills will be fostered by enthusiastic applause and floating balloons!

This educational application contains full set of “Fruits” and “Vegetables” flashcards from the “Nature for Kids” application. In addition, it includes the clipped demo sets of the following groups of educational cards: “Berries”, “Flowers”, “Mushrooms”, “Nature” (sea, island, forest, river, mountain, etc.), “Seasons”, “Natural phenomena” (rain, rainbow, lightning, etc.).

Does the youngster have an older brother or sister in grade school? They can also use this educational game! Besides English, this app also supports the German, Russian and Ukrainian languages.

While playing with flashcards in a foreign language, a school-age child can effortlessly learn many new words with which to surprise their foreign language teachers and classmates. An A+ is sure to follow!

In order to use this educational app, the youngster does not need to be able to read. The simple interface and spoken clues allow even the youngest of children to play and learn independently!

Experience has shown that children love to look through a series of colorful pictures with sounds, and they will ask to see them again and again. According to Glenn Doman, an American physical therapist and the founder of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, participating in these kinds of educational activities (for 5-10 minutes a day) stimulates the development of various regions in the brain. As a result, the child's photographic memory takes shape, the child develops much faster than his or her peers, and, beginning at infancy, the child gains access to a world of encyclopedic knowledge.

The main point, in which Doman is undoubtedly correct, is that the younger a child, the more easily he or she can absorb new knowledge. It's important to make use of this ability while it's available!

The app can be used as a supplementary teaching aid in foreign language instruction. Supported languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-sen, 2024

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Supported languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian. The app can be used as a supplementary teaching aid in learning the foreign languages.