Connected: Locate Your Family

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Are you worried about the safety and whereabouts of your family when you're not with them? Do you want to stay connected with your loved ones even when you're far away? If so, Connected - family locator is the right app for you!

Connected is a powerful family location-tracking app that can change your life 360 degrees. With its user-friendly interface, Connected allows you to find your family and track their real-time location with ease. You can easily add your family members to your circle via a family link created especially for them. This GPS tracker helps you update yourself and your family on each other's whereabouts.

Check out the exciting features:
⌛ Real-time family location sharing & tracking
🚘 Drive report with all details in numbers
📆 Weekly report & travel history
🏠 Places alerts
🗨️ Chat with family members
⚠️ Circle alert in an emergency
📵 Ring my phone to find it
🔋 Low battery consumption
🔔 Instant notifications

You can enjoy various intelligent features to protect and locate your family. The app provides real-time family location sharing, which allows you to track your family members' location at any time. The accuracy in tracking is unparalleled, so you can be confident that you know exactly where your loved ones are.

Additionally, Connected offers a drive report feature that provides all the details of your trip, including the total distance covered, the total number of trips, the number of times you exceeded the allowed speed limit, rapid accelerations, and harsh brakes. This feature helps you keep track of your driving habits and ensures that you're driving safely.

The travel history is another fantastic feature of Connected. You can see your and your circle members' activities for the past 60 days and warnings if you were not driving safely. Do you ever feel like checking how long your trip to work took? Want to prove that you've been at school regularly? Our history screen would show your and your circle members' activities for the past 60 days and warnings if you were not driving safely.

With the places alerts feature, They and you will receive notifications when anymore enter or leave a place added by you or them.

One of the best features of Connected is its private and group chat with family members. You can communicate with your loved ones, share images, and even your current location. Whether you want to contact everyone in your circle or chat with them separately, Connected makes it easy.

You can stay informed about emergencies. You can use the app to send alerts to your family if you need their help in an emergency. This feature can help you quickly communicate and get the necessary support when you need it the most.

With Connected, you can also ring your phone and locate your stolen/lost phone, even if it's in silent/vibration mode. No more worrying about losing your phone or being unable to find it!

Moreover, Connected uses as few battery resources as possible to prevent battery draining, so you don't have to worry about your phone running out of power.

With the instant notification feature, your family will be kept in the loop with important updates about your whereabouts. They will be alerted when your device's battery is running low or you request help, check-in in location, and more.

Overall, Connected is an exceptional app that makes your life more manageable and accessible. It's the best app for parents who want to find their kids via the GPS tracker app, and it's also perfect for families who want to stay connected with each other. Keep your family close, feel more secure than ever, and download Connected today!

Important info:

◾You need consent to install the app from your family member.
◾Sharing someone's location requires their consent.
◾An Internet connection is needed for the app to work.
[Note: Do not use this app for unauthorized spying or stalking.]

Terms of use
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-noy, 2024

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Hi there, please contact our support team by going to our app's Settings -> Help -> Email support. if you could include some more details about your issue (perhaps some screenshots) that'd be really helpful, thanks!

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What's New:
🎉 Enhanced User Experience: We've refined our interface and navigation to ensure a smoother, more intuitive experience for family members of all ages.

🛠️ Minor Bug Fixes: Our team has diligently tackled and resolved a few minor issues to improve app performance and reliability further.