Search ARound game: item hunt

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41 ta sharh
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*** Finalist in the Google Play Indie Games Festival 2022 (Find Hidden Objects Game AR) ***

Discover a new dimension of gaming with 'Search ARound,' the ultimate augmented reality (AR) hidden object adventure! Immerse yourself in a world of captivating 3D environments as you embark on a quest to find hidden treasures all around you.

Step into the future of item hunt gaming with 'Search ARound.' This modern twist on classic hidden object games takes you on a scavenger journey where your surroundings become the game board. Move your device, turn around, and explore 360 degrees of space to uncover virtual objects hidden in plain sight. Get ready to literally 'Search ARound' and experience an innovative blend of AR technology and engaging gameplay.

Prepare to be amazed by the intricately designed environments filled with vibrant hand-drawn items. 'Search ARound' challenges you to spot hidden objects amidst a complex tapestry of colors and shapes. Dive into a diverse array of scenes, from enchanting sea worlds to bustling city streets, each featuring a unique collection of items to find.

'Search ARound' offers five distinct play experiences with varying levels of difficulty, ensuring there's a scavenger challenge for everyone. Each play mode consists of ten exciting levels, plus an unlimited find hidden objects arcade mode to test your skills and compete for high scores. As you progress, the item hunt becomes increasingly demanding, putting your observational prowess to the test.

Whether you're a casual gamer or a seasoned pro, 'Search ARound' caters to your preferences. Most levels can be enjoyed without time constraints, allowing you to relax and savor the experience. If you crave an extra challenge, take on levels with a time limit for an adrenaline-pumping adventure.

Sometimes, even the most eagle-eyed explorers need a little assistance in finding hidden objects. 'Search ARound' provides hints when you find yourself stuck, ensuring the scavenger item hunt fun never stops. Use these hints wisely to keep the excitement alive and uncover every hidden object.

No need to worry about connectivity issues ā€“ all levels in 'Search ARound' are available for offline play. Whether you're at home or on the go, the hidden object adventure is always at your fingertips.

Get ready to embark on a captivating augmented reality item hunt journey with 'Search ARound.' This innovative scavenger hidden object game not only challenges your observation skills but also keeps you engaged and entertained. Dive into the immersive world of AR gaming and experience the thrill of discovery in a whole new way.

For feedback on 'Search ARound', please contact game [@] or
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-sen, 2023

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40 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Small improvements for more item hunt fun!