Nepal Quest- Explore Nepal

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Explore Nepal like never before with Nepal Quest - the ultimate district guessing game. Test your knowledge of Nepal's 77 districts and discover hidden gems as you progress through the game.

In Nepal Quest, you will be presented with a map of Nepal and will need to correctly guess the names of each district. As you progress, the map will be filled in, revealing the beauty of Nepal.

But Nepal Quest is more than just a district guessing game. You can also test your knowledge with our district quiz game, and learn more about Nepal's culture, history, and landmarks with detailed information provided in the app.

Our app is perfect for Nepal enthusiasts, students, and travelers, who want to learn more about Nepal. The app is designed to be fun and interactive, while also providing a wealth of educational content.

So what are you waiting for? Download Nepal Quest today and start your journey of discovery through Nepal's 77 districts!"
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-okt, 2024

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Dasturchi haqida
Ranjit Shrestha

Ranjit Shrestha – boshqa ilovalar