READY! for Kindergarten

39 ta sharh
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READY! for Kindergarten is the premier school readiness program of The Children's Reading Foundation designed for children ages 2 to 5 or older children who may be behind in core skills.

The READY! for Kindergarten app helps you prepare your child for all future learning and success in school through interactive game play. Each game helps develop a specific core skill. The games are designed to be played over-and-over again because young children learn best with hundreds of repetitions in a loving and supportive environment.

Touch the "i" in the lower right hand corner by each game icon to get additional information about the skill that game teaches.

As your child plays each game, the app sends information to the reports section, so you can see how your child is progressing in a specific skill area. The reports section shows your child's achievement in relationship to other children of similar age in the U.S., allowing you to focus with your child in areas they might lag.

For children ages 2 to 5, our app's games teach your child to sing the ABC song, match letter shapes, say letter sounds, expand vocabulary, rote count to 30, and recognized emotions.

The foundation of the READY! program is 26 Age-Level Targets, or measurable skills, that a typical 5-year-old must have by the time he or she starts kindergarten. These research-based targets were developed by early learning experts, working closely with families, scientists and educators during a seven-year span.

READY! for Kindergarten won a Top 100 Award for programs from District Administration Magazine in 2013.

Watch our videos to learn more about the school readiness gap and what you can do to help your child succeed. To learn even more visit our website at
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28-fev, 2024

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31 ta sharh

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- Updated splash screen
- Some text updates
- Removed survey option in side menu