Game for toddlers - animals

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Perfect for kids and toddlers from 1 year old. Each touch or swipe will cause a cheerful reaction of the animal, fruit, vegetable, or the world around them.

Your little kid will learn the characteristic sounds of animals. Thanks to the lector, children will learn the names of individual animals, fruits, and vegetables.

Stimulates child development from the age of 1. Our educational games are simple and intuitive. The game attracts the attention of the youngest children.

★ A toddler can touch and swipe his finger wherever he goes - something is always going to happen.

★ Over 40 animals, fruits, and vegetables. There is a cow, horse, sheep, pig, rabbit, stork, carrot, apple, tomato, banana, and many more

★ Animals can be fed or can dance when music is played

★ The sun is shining in the sky. When you swipe your finger, the moon appears. After touching the cloud, it’s raining

★ The game has calm, rhythmic music playing in the background. You can turn off the music.

★ The game is free and also works without WIFI.

The game has been written to bring joy to kids and toddlers from 1 year old to 5 years old. So it is also a game for 2 years old kids and for 3 years old kids. Children will find a lot of fun feeding animals. The game is also perfect for learning foreign languages ​​(English language, Spanish language, Russian language, German language are available). Children will learn the names of animals, fruits, and vegetables in a different language.

All our educational games work without wifi. They are perfect while driving a car or flying by plane. It is a game for boys as well as a game for girls. It is a game for a brother or sister.
Oxirgi yangilanish
16-avg, 2024

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