30 Day Push Up Challenge

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155 ta sharh
100 ming+
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Push-ups are quite possibly one of the best upper-body exercises. They build muscle, strength and endurance. Plus, they have the added bonus of not requiring any equipment other than your own body weight. This workout will build your upper-body strength in just 30 days and you’ll get the bragging rights of doing 60 push-ups in one day (or even more!).

Take the 30 Day Push Up Challenge this month and get those big ripped arms you always wanted, simply by doing push up exercises every day for a month.
We added the best bodyweight exercises and workouts you need to build muscle using no equipment, just your weight. Build muscle at home with this classic bodyweight training system. This is a training system that focuses on the use of pushup variations. Bodyweight training, when an effective plan is followed, can produce serious results in both muscularity and fat loss. It can build muscle, strip fat and transform you into a functional machine.

The beauty of a push-up is that it doesn't only targets your upper body but also your legs and 90% of the muscles in your body. It simple engages the muscles in your body in a synchronized way.

Take up the 30 Day Push Up Challenge to reveal your strongest upper body ever!

A 30-day challenge to improve your lifestyle, health, to get fit and live a more fulfilling and balanced, as well as thriving life that you may also teach your kids and other loved ones.

- Records training progress automatically
- A total of 8 workout challenges
- Create your own challenge
- Increases exercise intensity & difficulty step by step
- Keep track of your best attempts for each push up exercise
- Multiple Push-Up workout plans suitable for beginners and intermediate

Surpass your fitness goals by following this 30-day push-up challenge that'll transform your body. Download now!
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-okt, 2024

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