Second World War: Western Fron

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3,47 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
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It was 1944. Most of the European territory was occupied by the Germans troops. In the east, the Soviet Union fought alone against Wehrmacht troops.

In order to finally turn the tide of the war on the side of the Allies the time has come to open a second front. It will be a landing operation of an unprecedented scale.

You have to take command over the combined forces of the Allies, plan and implement the operation, which will go down in history.

A key feature of World War II the Western Front, is that the player can control each unit during the battle. Like the popular strategies from the 90s and 2000s, the game is made in the real-time strategy genre.

The game begins a couple of days before D-day, with airborne and reconnaissance operations in Normandy. Then you will land on the beaches of Utah and Omaha, take part in the assault of the Merville Battery, the Battle of Brest, the Siegfried Line breakthrough, the Ardennes operation and the race to Berlin.

Game Feature:
- Single player campaigns and more than a hundred missions based on real historical events.
- Multiplayer mode, with the ability to fight with other people
- Famous commanders: Patton, Montgomery, Eisenhower, which influence the behavior of units in battle.
- More than 300 unique units of all branches and types of troops, including tanks - Sherman and Tiger, Thunderbolt aircraft and the flying fortress B-17 and many others.
- A unique pumping system from light armored vehicles to super heavy tanks.
- Clan system, you can create your own clan and participate in tournaments.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can always contact us by mail: [email protected]
Oxirgi yangilanish
8-sen, 2023

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Correction of accumulated errors and optimization for playing on modern phones and tablets