PWA Surf

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Install this mobile bank prototype on your smartphone and try out how an app developed with cross-platform Flutter works. With Flutter, you can develop an app on a single code base and adapt it for different digital platforms: mobile, web, and desktop.

Note: It is a conceptual prototype demonstrating the possibilities of Flutter-based mobile application. You can’t make any cash payments with it.

Flutter-based application can offer all the typical functions of a mobile banking app. In the concept, you can see a visual prototype demonstrating the most popular features. Tap those you are interested in and test how it works.

Cards: a section makes all cards with a shared and divided balance visible.
Accounts and Goals: shows all existing accounts on a single screen.
History: displays the monthly expenses by category, visualizing the data in a chart.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-may, 2024

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