Baby Sleep Sounds Machine, Aid

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Is your baby fussy and won't fall asleep? No problem! A white noise, baby sleep sounds or lullabies from our app will help your baby fall asleep. The soothing sleep sounds will help your baby to relax and fall asleep fast.

White noise can distract and soothe your baby and help with crying (e.g. during colic in a newborn baby). Baby white noise prolongs sleep. Sleep aid is a great baby sleep helper for parents! It masks extraneous noises and allows parents to do their own thing or rest without the fear that careless movement will wake the baby.

You can use our sleep app as a baby shusher. It contains a set of shush sounds, and you can record any sound or lullaby for your baby yourself and play it around.

Our baby sleep sounds app is not a white noise generator.. It is better! In our white noise machine app, you can combine sleep sounds to create your own unique soothing musical combination of sleep sounds for your newborn baby.
With equaliser, you can adjust the volume of each sound separately in the sleep music combination. A sleep timer will help you adjust the duration of the sound and fade in and out of the infant sleep sounds.

The following sounds to sleep are waiting for you in our baby sleep machine app:
★ White noise
★ Pink noise
★ Brown noise
★ Nature sounds
★ Rain sleep sounds when rainy mood
★ Ocean sounds
★ Fan sounds
★ Ambient sounds
★ Vacuum cleaner sound
★ Hair dryer sound
★ Wave sounds
★ Night sounds
★ Womb sounds
★ Heart sound
★ Sounds of train, music box, screech owl, car driving, crackling fire and many other calming sounds for your baby

In our baby noise maker app you will find soothing music for sleeping of different genre: Classical music, Space music, Celtic music, Spanish music, Japanese music, and lullaby music.

Install our baby sleep sounds app with newborn sleep sounds, take care of your baby's health, improve your baby's sleep and relax yourself!
Oxirgi yangilanish
31-yan, 2024

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