Solitaire Makeup, Makeover

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630 ta sharh
100 ming+
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Solitaire Makeup is a solitaire card games to help girls and boys to makeover and dress up. Some of them are abandoned by their husbands or wives; some of them need to attend an important event or party; some of them need to revenge on their ex-boyfriends by showing them how pretty they are. They all have painful memories, and they're not very confident.

Can you help them? Help them makeup, dress up, make them feel good and get confidence back again!

How to help them? Play the classic Klondike solitaire cards games to get coins and diamonds, and then use coins and diamonds to launch the makeover salon to help them to makeup and dress up.

Makeup: There are tens of girls and boys need your help to makeover them and dress them up. You can makeover them to be different when they need to go to attend different events or parties.
√ Face makeup: Skincare, eye shadow, eyelashes, lipstick, and so on;
√ Many different styles of hair: Casual, chic, dreadlocks, elegant, and so on;
√ Beautiful clothes: Evening dress, winter clothing, summer clothing, and so on.

Other Features:
solitaire: Play classic Klondike solitaire card games to get coins and diamonds. You can also use magic wands or hints in the solitaire card games.
Jigsaw Puzzle event: When play solitaire card games, you can also collect jigsaw pieces and get a beautiful artwork at each event finally.
Star Chest: When you play some solitaire card games, you will get a star chest, when the chest opens, you can get many gifts.
Daily Challenge: also, the daily challenge waiting for you every day.

Come on! You are the great designer of your models; help them to be the best. Play solitaire cards games to launch the makeover salon.
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-sen, 2024

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