My Reaper Girlfriend: Moe Anim

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One day, you’re just an average high school student. The next day… A reaper’s assistant?!

You were living a normal life as a student, but on the way home from school one day, you see the girl you have a crush on about to be hit by a car! You jump in and manage to save her just in time… But unfortunately, you take the hit! You wake up to find that your soul has left your body and two grim reapers, who happen to be very cute girls, show up to take you to the afterlife. Knowing that you saved your crush’s life, you’re okay with moving on… However, the reapers are impressed by your sacrifice and decide to bring you back under one condition: You become their assistant reaper!

You agree to their proposal and wake up in bed back home, thinking it was all a dream. But when the two reapers show up asking you to report for duty, you quickly realize you might of bit off more than you can chew… Will you be able to help them with their mission to collect souls? Will you be able to find out why two cute girls like them became grim reapers? Will your crush discover your secret?

Find out in My Reaper Girlfriend!


This reaper is what you’d call a tsundere. She’s tough on you at first, but eventually, she begins to open up to you. However, you learn that she wasn’t always a reaper… Will you be able to unlock the secrets of her heart?

Elsa is Marie's boss and takes her duties as a reaper very seriously. Getting along with her proves difficult, but maybe if you can prove your abilities as an assistant, she’ll be a little nicer...

Your crush and also your classmate, Mika seems like your average high school girl. But it turns out, she has a tendency to find herself in life-threatening situations. It seems there’s something supernatural going on… But will she find out about your new job?
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-okt, 2023

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