Sudoku - Classic Sudoku Puzzle

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Welcome to Sudoku - Classic Sudoku Puzzle, some users usually spell as soduku, sudoko, sodoku or suduko, which are mistaken spellings. In our Sudoku - Classic Sudoku Puzzle, users can enjoy over 5000+ challenging sudoku puzzles every day. We also add 100 new Sudoku puzzles each week. Sudoku attracts individuals who enjoy brain teasers, logic puzzles, and strategic thinking.
With our Sudoku - Classic Sudoku Puzzle app, you can not only play Sudoku anytime, anywhere, but also learn new solving techniques.
Key Features:
❤️6 Difficulty Levels: Casual Mode(6X6), Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert, Evil. Perfect sudoku games for beginners and advanced players.
💚Sudoku Daily Challenges: Complete daily Sudoko Puzzles and collect trophies.
💛Soduku Fast Note Mode: Enable or disable suduku Fast Note mode to jot down possible numbers.
💙Sodoku Highlight Duplicates: Avoid repeating numbers in rows, columns, and blocks.
💜Suduko Intelligent Hints: Get sodoku guidance when you're stuck.
💚Sudoku Themes: Choose a visually pleasing soduko theme.
🧡Sudoku Auto Fill: Fill cells automatically when 9 unsolved is left

In our Classic Sudoku game, you can also:
❤️Toggle sound effects and highlight identical numbers.
🧡Auto-remove notes when numbers are placed.
💙Enjoy unlimited undo and redo options.
💛Auto-save: Pause and resume free sudoku games without losing progress.
💜Play sudoku free online game.

Sudoku GamesAdditional Features:

❤️Sudoku Dark Mode: Protect your eyes while playing sudoku puzzles.
💛Sodoku Timer: Enable or disable the timer for an added free sudoku challenge.
🧡100 New Sudoku Free Puzzles Weekly.
💚Explore different Sudoku variations like Number sudoku :)
💙Engaging suduku gameplay and an intuitive interface.
🖤Easy-to-use soduko tools for effortless control.
💜Clear classic sudoku layout for enhanced readability.

Sudoku puzzles can be found in various difficulty levels, allowing players to choose the level that suits their skills and preferences.Sudoku is not just a time killer; sudoku also enhances your logical thinking and memory skills.

Get started with a guided tour on how to play Sudoku, and with regular practise, you'll become a Sudoku master and skilled sodoku solver. Join our Kingdom of Sudoku to keep your mind sharp.
Sudoku involves numbers and logic, which makes it attractive to people with an affinity for mathematics, logic puzzles, and analytical thinking.
If you're a Sudoku lover, don't miss out on our app. Download now and enjoy Sudoku games every day! Let's play Sudoku :)

For any ideas or questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We're here to assist you.
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-noy, 2024

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Hey Sudoku Players,

Here is the update for Sudoku v1.5.1 :
Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Thank you everyone for your support!
We’re still working hard to keep peoples’ mind active and will have more updates soon :)