Find Carmen - Stop VILE Agents

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Find Carmen - makes playing the classic Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (TM) edutainment game possible and easy on Android devices.

Travel the world, stop crime, learn geography and have fun.

This plays the original / classic detective game from 1985 and not some new take on it.

How to play the Where in World is Carmen Sandiego game?
After the game loads, you will be asked to identify yourself. You can give yourself any name but remember the name chosen, because this is how your progress is tracked. If you give it a new name, it will be a new game. If you give it a name you used before, you will have your rank and progress from where you left off.
After that, you will be given a crime that has been committed by some member of V.I.L.E., some very basic details of the criminal involved and a time limit for solving the crime.
Your goal is not to just catch the crook, but to also collect enough information to get a warrant issued for their arrest.
You will get clues by choosing "investigate" and a location to investigate.
The clues will either be some detail about the criminal or some information about where the criminal is traveling to.
Details about the criminal can be entered into the database by visiting "Interpol". Once you have enough clues, you can get an arrest warrant for the criminal.
Details about where the criminal is traveling to can be used to help you go to the correct next location to find more clues and narrow in on the suspect. You can see "Connections" to see where you can go next or "Travel by Air" to go there.
If you are on the right path, you will get more helpful clues, but if you are not you will get nothing useful by investigating.
Once you have your warrant, find the criminal and arrest them.
The more cases you solve, the higher rank you will earn.

What is Find Carmen?
Find Carmen is not the game itself and does not contain or require any ROM to play.
Find Carmen simply provides an interface to the publicly available Internet Archive posting of the streaming version of that game found here:

How to use Find Carmen?
The first time this loads, internet access is required. After that, no connection is needed.
Once it is loaded, use the soft keyboard or controls provided to play the game as described above.
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-may, 2024

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First Release. Enjoy!