Wolfoo Puzzle Learning Game

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10 ming+
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It's puzzle time. There are many different kid puzzle games to try: match puzzle, animal puzzle, number puzzle, picture puzzle, jigsaw puzzle. Everybody needs an interesting game to play at their free time. But this game includes more than just 1 game to join. It's useful to raise memory, logic skills, awareness of shape and color, and creativity

At the age of kidergarten, preschool, prek, from 3 years old to 8 years old, it's much better if you focus on the knowledge of the world: shape, color, animals, school, class, friends, toys, playful learning activities. So let's download this free game, puzzle for kids games to join all of these fun things!

- Match the submarine from small to big with characters of Wolfoo's family
- Build a colorful slide with puzzle shapes
- Arrange pieces of xylophone from number and color to make fun music games
- Match uniform with correct jobs: police, doctor, chef, astronaut
- Build a happy town from houses with many sizes: tiny house, small house, medium house, big house
- Arrange binoculars from small size to big size

- Challenge problem solving and logic skills
- Over 15 educational and interactive games that related to puzzle, shape, color, and size
- Cute designs and characters
- Kid-friendly interface
- Fun animations and sound effects
- Game completely free

👉 ABOUT Wolfoo LLC 👈
All games of Wolfoo LLC stimulate children's curiosity and creativity, bringing engaging educational experiences to children through the method of “playing while studying, studying while playing”. The online game Wolfoo is not only educational and humanistic, but it also enables young children, especially fans of the Wolfoo animation, to become their favorite characters and come closer to the Wolfoo world. Building on the trust and support from millions of families for Wolfoo, Wolfoo games aim to further spread the love for the Wolfoo brand across the world.

🔥 Contact us:
▶ Watch us: https://www.youtube.com/c/WolfooFamily
▶ Visit us: https://www.wolfooworld.com/ & https://wolfoogames.com/
▶ Email: [email protected]
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-avg, 2024

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Google Play “Butun oila uchun” dasturi qoidalariga amal qiladi

Nima yangiliklar

Let's join this animal puzzle, match puzzle game for kid to build logic skills