Wolfoo Learns Shape and Color

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šŸŽˆ Learning to recognize shapes and colors from early ages is not only a must-have activity to develop the basic cognizance for toddlers but also helps preschool kids become smarter and more creative.

If you're searching an interesting educational game for your pre-school kids to learn about usual shapes and basic colors, this game is perfect for you!

There're 10 games in different gameplays that bring kids various study topics like familiar home appliances and cute animal friends... etc. Everyone can enjoy this game because of its adorable artstyle and funny soft mini games included. Join baby Wolfoo and his friends in this salutary class where we can learn through play and vice versa!!

šŸ§øļø Easy for babies at the age of under 5 years old to play
šŸŽ€ Suitable for both baby genders.

šŸš€ 10 LOVELY GAMES for Pre-schooler šŸŒˆ
ā–¶ 1. Patch the sofa with colorful vintage cloth pieces
ā–¶ 2. Put birds and fishes into their right environment
ā–¶ 3. Help mom classify bedroom objects by color
ā–¶ 4. Give animal friends their favourite foods
ā–¶ 5. Arrange the fruits into each bowl in the conform size
ā–¶ 6. Identify households from their simplest shapes
ā–¶ 7. Discriminate between kitchen appliances and bathroom appliances
ā–¶ 8. Sorting objects by their size
ā–¶ 9. Recognize the common couples of house object
ā–¶ 10. Identify triangle, square and circle objects.

āœ… Vivid animation and funny sound effects;
āœ… Kid-friendly interface;
āœ… 10 funny easy games for toodlers to learn about shapes and colors;
āœ… Make your familiar sweet home become an interesting class with many exciting lessons;
āœ… Companion with your favorite characters in Wolfoo series;
āœ… Bring your babies an intersting time immersing in Wolfoo's colorful world.

šŸ‘‰ ABOUT Wolfoo LLC šŸ‘ˆ
All games of Wolfoo LLC stimulate children's curiosity and creativity, bringing engaging educational experiences to children through the method of ā€œplaying while studying, studying while playingā€. The online game Wolfoo is not only educational and humanistic, but it also enables young children, especially fans of the Wolfoo animation, to become their favorite characters and come closer to the Wolfoo world. Building on the trust and support from millions of families for Wolfoo, Wolfoo games aim to further spread the love for the Wolfoo brand across the world.

šŸ”„ Contact us:
ā–¶ Watch us: https://www.youtube.com/c/WolfooFamily
ā–¶ Visit us: https://www.wolfooworld.com/
ā–¶ Email: [email protected]
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-avg, 2024

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