出色的作品.更加舒适的欣赏艺术品,便捷的搜索或发布作品.切换界面更加流畅.网页版的部分缺陷在该版本中也得到优化,值得推荐. 但该应用对于网络状态要求较高,对于部分被屏蔽地区用户的代理服务器要求偏高,加载速度大幅降低,劣于网页版. 且不在应用内支持其他语言. -备注:部分用户对于打开已关注创作者列表疑问的解答_:进入应用主界面,打开右上方菜单栏,打开第二选项"DEVIANTS&GROUPS",即可查看.
这个app是真的差评,一来使用体验还不如网页版,图片加载速度慢得要一整年才加载完成一个预览图;二来是经典的登录问题,为什么网页版能登录app就无法登录? This App is horrendous. First of all, it takes a year to download the previews. Second, would you explain why I cannot log in the app since I'm able to log in the website version? 来自2021年5月的新评论: 这个app能越做越烂真的是你们才做得出来,无法登录这个“优良传统”依旧保留下来。 New comment from May 2021: If you're still too stupid to fix the server and your networks, you will get a stupid comment.
DeviantArt, Inc.
Hello, thank you for the review and we apologize for the issues. Please update the latest version version which should fix these things. Can you update and then let us know if the issue persists? If yes, please try to login via your desktop computer and resend a verification letter from there. Thank you.