★自定义前缀(U/ D:等)
★隐藏後缀(/s 每秒)
★休眠模式时隐藏(Day Dreaming / 屏幕保护程序 - 4.2+)
* 付费版支持自动隐藏功能,移除通知图示,而且没有广告。付费版:
★ Permissions ★
* Location: Android 8+: access WIFI SSID will require user to give a location permission. Otherwise it will give a value.
* Disk: Import and export the configuration files (Menu > Export / Import)
* Apps running in Background (App usage access - for android 6+):
a) system overlay compatibility: system didn't allow overlay on top of system overlays (e.g. system permission dialog), there will be "screen overlay detected" warning. If you give this access, monitor automatically turn off itself and prevent such situation.