How We Feel 是一款由科学家、设计师、工程师和治疗师创建的免费应用程序,旨在帮助人们更好地了解自己的情绪,并找到帮助他们驾驭当下情绪的策略。 “How We Feel”是与耶鲁大学情商中心共同构想的,以 Marc Brackett 博士的工作为基础,帮助人们找到正确的词语来描述他们的感受,同时跟踪他们的睡眠、锻炼和健康趋势,以便发现他们的模式。时间。
How We Feel 是一家以科学为基础的非营利组织,其成立得益于热衷于为尽可能多的受众带来心理健康的人们的捐赠。我们的数据隐私政策使您可以控制数据的存储和共享方式。除非您选择将数据发送到替代存储解决方案,否则数据将存储在您的设备上。除非您选择与他人共享,否则数据只能由您访问。除非您选择贡献匿名版本的数据用于旨在帮助更多人的研究,否则数据不会用于研究。
Thanks to the developers, it is a cool and easy to use software, if the follow-up support for multi-national languages is even better, (My native language is Chinese👀)I hope people in more countries can use such good software🎉🎉🎉
1 人认为该评价有用
Leif Z
Great App!
We’re thrilled to announce the release of our newest app version, packed with features to improve the experience!
New! A new full screen view to explore your past check-ins! Your first friend request can now be auto-accepted by the recipient, making it even easier to connect with friends.
Fixes Fixed an error with the authentication logic on the widget Fixed a bug that changed the days of the week on the Analyze tab Fixed a bug that prevented Tools from being rated