准备好迎接此生最刺激的坦克战斗吧!指挥你的坦克、飞机、无人机和火炮,主宰PvP战斗,确立你在前线的霸主地位。立即下载《MWT: Tank Battles》,带领你的军队走向胜利! 这款新作重新定义了地面载具战争类型游戏,由知名的海战动作模拟游戏《Modern Warships》的创作者Artstorm工作室开发。
- Restored the previous left stick control scheme based on player feedback. - Expanded controls customization to include the now adjustable reload button. - T-14 and T-14 (152) lower plate armor values have been updated to 120 mm, while the frontal protective screen now have 25 mm of protection instead of 10 mm. - Fixed the display issue with SR-5 GMLRS that showed the rockets on screen while zooming in.