b 预算-帮助您实现财务目标 👉钱包-整理现金,银行帐户或其他财务场合 b 共享财务-与合作伙伴或室友有效管理资金 👉多种货币-轻松处理假期财务 b 标签-更深入地标记和分析交易 b 暗模式-在视觉友好的环境中享受 b 网络版本-在更大的屏幕上查看财务状况 👉安全数据同步-保护您的个人信息的私密,机密和安全
Thank you for this review and feedback, we're glad to have you on board with us! 🤗 Our support team will be in touch with you as soon as possible, please, bear with us.
Thank you for this review and sorry to hear that you don't like the new UI. In case of any further feedback, please, contact us at [email protected], we will be happy to consider it.