Edw V
垃圾工具,按进去也是连到agoda而且还是页面版完全按不到任何东西 而且不知道哪一个天才想的把电话号码隐藏了根本看不到顾客的电话号码无法联络到顾客, 平台给的入住设置又无法上传 影片,和多一点图片,
Agoda strives to provide the best partner service experience always. We are sorry to hear that we could not meet your expectations, and we want to make it right. We will look into this right away. I appreciate your patience. Thank you.
1.無法傳訊息給客人,一直顯示要重新登入,但重新登入好幾次都一樣,根本都沒辦法使用訊息。 2. 想調整房況時常顯示「你目前還沒有設定任何房型」,系統超不穩定 3.好不容易出現我們設定的房型,點進去房型裡又說我們沒設定價格 4.Agoda推出的mobile app促銷竟然只是在ycs開啟時用跳出窗口的方式詢問,沒有正式的mail說明,讓人不小心就誤開啟根本不想啟用的促銷優惠,啟用優惠後也沒再寄信通知,後台也找不到取消促銷優惠的相關功能,令人非常不滿。 Ycs系統超不穩定,讓人無法信任,直接考慮在Agoda上面下架。
Agoda strives to provide the best partner service experience always. We are sorry to hear that we were unable to meet your expectation, and we want to make it right. We will look into this right away. Your patience is appreciated. Thank you.
三月至今尚未收到帳款,多次去電客服未改善,只有一句“帳戶有問題”回應。 7/5補充聲明 使用agoda平台至今尚未收到任何房租代收款項,且多次反應未果,即日起停止agoda平台合作,其訂單皆不予承認,請貴公司盡快處理尚未付清之代收房租款項,我方保留法律追溯權。(日後請以中文回應我,這裡是講中文的台灣)
Agoda strives to provide the best partner service experience always. We are sorry to hear that we were unable to meet your expectation, and we want to make it right. We will look into this right away. Your patience is appreciated. Thank you.