如果您在使用 K-9 Mail 時遇到問題,請在我們的支援論壇上尋求協助:https://forum.k9mail.app
K-9 Mail 是一個社群開發的專案。如果您有興趣幫助改進應用程序,請加入我們!您可以在 https://github.com/thunderbird/thunderbird-android 找到我們的錯誤追蹤器、原始碼和 wiki 我們總是很高興歡迎新的開發人員、設計師、文件人員、翻譯人員、錯誤分類人員和朋友。
Thank you for the amazing review, Alex!! We appreciate you using K-9 Mail and supporting open source software. And we look forward to bringing you more features and improvements to help you get the most out of your email experience.
- We've fixed one of our top crashes to give you a more stable experience