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YOUSICIAN 的使用評價 「Yousician 是現代科技獻給音樂教育的禮物。這個應用程式能夠指導如何精通真正的吉他,而不是塑膠遊戲控制器。」- Guitar World 「Yousician 是開始學習鋼琴、吉他、烏克麗麗或貝斯的絕佳環境。Yousician 提供挑戰並聆聽你彈奏,以傳授基本彈奏技巧和音樂記譜法。」 - New York Times
Could you please contact us via [email protected], so that we could investigate the issue and help you figure out what's wrong? Thank you!
sing choco
弹对了但有时不会出现绿色而是灰色只有错误才会出现红色, 有一个星期没弹了反而bug越来越多
Yousician Ltd.
Apologies for the troubles you're having with note recognition. Would you mind reaching out to us via [email protected]? Please provide more info on the setup you're using in your request, and our support team will answer you shortly! Thanks!