Grades are made by Q&A
Experience improved grades with a life teacher who is right for you at Qanda Tutoring!
Chosen by 90 million students around the world
No.1 artificial intelligence study app, online tutoring created by Qanda, Qanda Tutoring
[Why you should choose Qanda Tutoring]
■ 1:1 personalized tutoring anytime, anywhere
Online tutoring is possible by sharing voice and handwriting in real time using a tablet.
■ Strictly selected teachers from prestigious universities
Verified teachers who have been carefully verified and selected in 6 stages are waiting for you.
Get the best teacher profile that suits you with the smart matching system.
■ Vulnerability management of final review
It is possible to overcome vulnerabilities with Qanda Tutoring's exclusive review service.
Completely review everything from concepts to reviewing type problems.
[App access permission information]
The following access rights are required to provide Qanda tutoring services.
- Microphone (optional): Permission required to conduct classes by voice in the classroom
-Storage space (optional): Permission required to upload photos from the gallery or files on the device in the classroom
*You can use the service even if you do not agree to granting optional access rights.
If you are using a device running Android OS 9.0 or lower, you may be restricted from using the Qanda Tutoring app.
Please use the software update function to check if you can upgrade to Android OS 9.0 or higher and then upgrade.
[Inquiries and Terms and Conditions]
Terms of Service:
Privacy Policy:
Operating Policy:
Inquiry: Please contact KakaoTalk Plus friend ‘Qanda Tutoring’.
Customer Center: 02-6956-9243 (Weekdays 10:00 AM - 10:30 PM, Weekends/Holidays 9:00 AM - 10:30 PM)