Bat-Sheva Avraham. I also noted that issue. But, if you highlight the video field you'll see the expand box on the same screen as video, like in youtube. Had I not noticed that my view would be an inch tall by 2 in wide. Hope that helps. My issue is that my phone keeps going to sleep while watching, so I have to keep opening the phone back up. Anyone have any suggestions? I was hoping I could access video on my laptop, but that's not an option. I was even hoping that I could cast it, but I can't do that either. Suggestions are appreciated. :)
18 people found this review helpful
BeEzrat HaShem
October 10, 2023
Hello Candace! Are those bugs still present in the latest version? Could you please let me know if your still having issues?
[email protected]A:`A:`
Wonderful must have app. Especially for all of us who are outside of the US, and get to watch the latest lectures with a lot of customisation available.
14 people found this review helpful
Sandra Mc Arthur
Great wisdom and knowledge to be gained from listening to this Rabbi! His understanding is impressive when he puts his mind to it. Sadly enough, no comments can be left on the lectures through the app, perhaps this will fix this feature. Many times would have wanted to tell others how much his wisdom is helpful & encouraging!
20 people found this review helpful